Company Of Heroes 2 Skirmish Maps Download

COH ONLINE SKIRMISH MONTARGIS by xxCOMPANY OF COWARDSxx. Sometimes you have to do it all alone.My team come only when there where 3 buildings left.I lost it all and come my reinforces and i destroy and the 3.Stug is a good way to rule in this map.Watch how americans be vanished by stug. COH VIMOUTIERS Best battle EVER!!!!! Company of Heroes mod TBD. Company of heroes Maps is a page where you can download maps for COH1 and are public domain. Add file RSS Files.

Sometimes you have to do it all alone.My team come only when there where 3 buildings left.I lost it all and come my reinforces and i destroy and the 3.Stug is a good way to rule in this map.Watch how americans be vanished by stug
COH VIMOUTIERS Best battle EVER!!!!! Must see by xxCOMPANY OF COWARDSxx

Where others quit fight, we never give up.A really hard fight.A proof that hummel and tunkbuster can resist to army that noother way you can stop.(i mean when you have only a few army).As you will see when battle begins my friend (xxcompany of traitorsxx) want it to try something.For a while i left alone,only with little help by cpu (in slot 5).So americans camp in front of our bases.It was very difficult to keep our HQ's undamaged.We had to destroy too many troops and tanks with only a few army,until we recover and make army able to attack.When i record the game i lost counting of how many times americans use artillery.(after 4:30 and until the game ends what happens is really maddnes).And for one more time i think that hummel is not for rookies as some use to say.Rookies never can win a game like this one.Rookies quit.

Well it may looks easy what we do but every moment is hell.If you forget, even for a moment, make barage with mortars or hummel or whatever you have thats it.Lot of troops will pass and inevitable disaster is coming.Most important is to keep busy the enemy with any unit that you have even if you loose a lot of units.Mortars hummel and other type of artillery will destroy everything until it stops to attack with all units.After this point loses are less and you can make some units to attack and take your revenge.
I play with a friend (xxcompany of traitorsxx) slot 5.Panzer elite troops shows once again how powerfull they are.Maybe in the beginning not so but after a while there is nothing that they cann't handle.As usually our allied in slot 6 don't do much.Hunting and hunting.Those americans all the time comes from everywhere.But in the end no ones left.

Company Of Heroes 2 Skirmish Maps Download Pc

COH HILL by xxCOMPANY OF COWARDSxxCompany of heroes 2 skirmish maps download free
A really nice game with p.e. soldiers to rule.
COH Vire River Valley large by xxCOMPANY OF COWARDSxx
This is one of my maps.In this game all americans are expert and my side is 1 normal 1 hard 1 expert.

Company Of Heroes 2 Skirmish Maps Download Windows 10


Company Of Heroes Map Editor

Company Of Heroes 2 Skirmish Maps Download

Company Of Heroes 2 Maps

Those americans seems to be 'immortals'.After i left with one allied, thanks to hummel i reverse the situation.So for those whose says that hummel is for rookies or for persons that they don't know how to play i answer with that video and i have a question.In that game as things done without hummel how can you reverse the upcoming defeat?